Massage is the treatment of applying pressure to the human body manually or with aids to soft tissues, usually the muscles to loosen the tension between them. Massage can be done to the whole body as part of a therapy to help with injury relief, stiffness, manage pain, and relax in a psychological sense.
Massages generally consist of the client lying facedown on a massage table or on a massage chair. The subject is usually wholly or partly unclothed. Draping the areas with towels that are not for massage is a professional practice, aside from keeping the client warm. It is required in countries like the United States whereas in Europe it is not necessary. The key to a good massage is to be as relaxed as possible.
Massages are done firstly on a consultation basis. The client talks with the massage therapist and decides on what kind of problem areas they want treated. The therapist then goes over options to find out which one would be the most beneficial for the client. Medical history of the client and current condition should also be discussed so as to not agitate any parts of the body that may be affected.
There are many types of massages available. One type is barefoot deep tissue, which is a type of eastern massage with western influences. No oil is used in this type of massage and regardless of the client’s size and build, the therapist can target pressure points with ease and tissue can be manipulated into a sense of relaxation.
Chair massage, or corporate massage, takes place on a massage chair. The sessions last under half an hour and performed whilst the patient is fully clothed. Chair massage is beneficial for improved circulation and stress relief. These types of massages are popular in the corporate world as they are short and the type of chair is portable so house calls can be made too. Hotels and airports are a favorite place for chair massages.
Many other types of massages exist from oil massages, to aromatherapuetic massages to sports type massages. It is clear that although massage therapy traditionally has its roots in eastern countries, they have transversed across the globe and it is very common for someone nowadays, especially in the western world, to incorporate some kind of massage for health and relaxation benefits in an increasingly stressful world where our lifestyles are non-stop.