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TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly

The TOPS club is a non-profit corporation with its origins in Milwaukee with members worldwide. Its main principle is to help support groups with weight management issues. Originally formed in 1948, it formed a support group to assist those who thought that they were overweight and needed some help. As people started to recognize bulimia, anorexia and other eating disorders, TOPS made a conscious effort to include those people that are not only having problems because they are overweight, but considered all of those with eating disorders. They also invented incentives for those who achieve their goal of their ideal weight and stay in that weight region. They created KOPS, or Keep Off Pounds Sensibly, to recognize those that maintain their ideal weight and good eating habits.

TOPS does not endorse its own weight loss plan and even welcomes those that are actively involved in other diet plans. They emphasize nutrition and exercise education primarily concentrating on how people can manage their own weight. The members have meetings regularly and involve usually only one community. Larger communities meet regularly also and may have more than one chapter. Members come in for the weigh in and the main session.

The sessions vary from place to place but generally they start out with the total amount of weight lost then individual weight measurements. Special recognition talks and educational talks then follow and finally presents are handed out to those who have lost the most weight or made the most rapid improvement and so on.

To date this plan has been very popular as it not so much a regime, but more of a coming together of people who choose their own methods of losing weight or controlling their weight problems and therefore recognize other forms and methods that are suitable for them. What may work in one personâ\™s situation may not work quite the same way for someone else and TOPS recognizes this; this is how they work and people appreciate this. There is a "no force" mentality and more often than not, you are in a room with someone that is in the same boat as you.

Meetings in diet plans can be an excellent self-esteem booster. You can meet like-minded individuals and also compliment and congratulate each other. You can share stories and experiences, good and bad, and people will listen. The community aspect of diet plans seems quite a good way to encourage you to keep with your plan and succeed, especially after hearing success stories from individuals just like you. Diet plans generally run on a community basis because they know that this is one of the best ways to help you control your weight.

It is important when thinking about undertaking any kind of diet plan, to consult your doctor or physician first. He or she can advise you if the plan you are thinking about taking is the right one for you. Some work well for some people and some do not work well at all. It is also important to take into account any medication you are currently taking, as some plans are not recommended when taking certain prescription drugs. Finally, it is crucial to stick to a plan once you start it. It requires regular commitment and determination. Many people fall into the trap of mixing plans and seeing which ones work and which ones don't without giving it enough time to see any results. You can find out more information about this plan or any other diet plan from your doctor or physician. There is also a wealth of information available on the Internet.


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Complex Homeopathy
Craniosacral Therapy
Energy Healing

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)
Facilitated Communication
Faith Healing
Flower Essences
Frontier Medicine
Gemstone Therapy
Healing Touch
Holistic Medicine
Integrative Medicine
Intuitive Healer
Joy Touch
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Magical Thinking
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Music Therapy
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
New Age Psychotherapies
Oriental Bodywork
Orthomolecular Medicine
Ozone therapy
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Pranic Healing
Psychic Surgery
Therapeutic Touch
Urine Therapy